Article and photography by
Kelsey Grudle
The Clubs at Cordillera Ranch provide world-class amenities for their membership, but on any given day, you will find many junior members on the course, courts, parks and trails. We asked a few dedicated kids what motivates them to so diligently practice their favorite sports and the overwhelming response was that it’s just plain fun.
• Why do you love to play tennis at Cordillera Ranch? “I like it because you get to be outside!”
• Who is your favorite person to play tennis with? “Coach Bradley Hill, because he throws well and plays fun tennis games.”
• Do you have a favorite tennis drill? “Sharks and Minnows!”

• How did you become interested in tennis? “My mom encouraged me to play and as I got better, I started to love tennis more.”
• Do you play tennis with your family? “Yes, I do! We play every Monday and Wednesdays.”
• What do you like the most about playing tennis at Cordillera Ranch? “I love tennis here because the coaches help me learn and socialize at the same time. It’s a better way to play tennis with the mixture of learning and playing.”

• Why do you love riding horses? “I love riding because it makes me feel happy and all my anxiousness goes away. I love riding at Cordillera Ranch because the people there are super encouraging and they are so nice.”
• Do you have a favorite horse you love to ride? “Butterbean!”
• Do you have a favorite person you like to ride with? “I love to ride with Susie (Equestrian Manager) because she is super encouraging and is always making me better. I also love to ride with Meghan (Riding Instructor) because she is funny and Emery (friend) because we are a good team. We make each other better!”

• What is your favorite thing about golf lessons? “Hitting a super long drive or beating my best score.”
• What is your best score so far? “39 on the back 9 holes of Cordillera.”
• Who is your favorite golf partner? “My dad.”

• What events at the Club have you taken part in? “Gingerbread House Decorating, Kids Club Craft Night, Lego Night, Painting Night, Science Night, Cooking Camp, Art Camp, Trunk or Treat and Christmas on the Ranch”
• Wow, that’s a lot of events! What keeps you coming back for more? “Everything that Mrs. Kelsey does is really fun. She always wants the kids to have fun. She decorates and has themes and always makes it a fun party.”
• Do you think other kids should come? “What I would tell other kids: The events are always really fun. You get to do fun activities with all of the neighborhood kids and sometimes get to meet new kids and make more friends.”

• What got you interested in the Outfitter programs? “When we moved here we fished at Swede Creek and the fishing was really good so we had a fishing party there for my 7th birthday.”
• What Outfitter programs do you enjoy the most? “I love to go kayaking on the Guadalupe River and fishing for big bass at Swede Creek.”
• Do you have a favorite Outfitter Trip memory? “My favorite memory was catching my biggest smallmouth bass on the Devil’s River Fishing Trip.”
• What is the biggest fish you have caught? “I’ve caught an 8-pound largemouth bass at Swede Creek and a 5-pound rainbow trout in the Guadalupe River, here on the ranch!”
• What do you like most about golf lessons? “I like when we hit far and Coach Katie makes me hit super far.”
• What is your favorite golf memory? “Having the snack lady [at Cordillera] bring me tacos and other snacks!”
• Who do you play golf with the most? “My dad.”

• What is your favorite activity during golf lessons? “I love ZOMBIE putting. I try to beat Coach Michael.”
• Do you want to be a golf professional one day? “Yes. So, I can travel and golf at different places and bring my dad along.”
• What is your favorite part of the game and why? “Putting. I like using my putter and can out-putt my brother any day.”