“The older I get, the faster the years go by.” Not sure what happened to the blur that was 2018. It was certainly no exception to the aforementioned adage and with each passing year, those words ring true.    

Our year gone by welcomed many new residents and members to our community and The Clubs of Cordillera Ranch… and for you we are thankful! You’re the greatest component in making The Clubs and this community so special. We also had additions in key leadership roles at The Clubs and just as quickly as the wonderment of change was upon us, the experience and enthusiasm of those who were new was embraced. We’re appreciative of the indelible impressions made by those who parted for other world-class facilities and thankful that the unique character of our people, community and The Clubs is recognized afar by others who seek to better their clubs and communities. To all who have recently joined us, we look forward to your worldly experiences making Cordillera Ranch even greater for years to come.  

2018 also brought improvements to our Clubs, enhanced activities for our members, investment in new infrastructure, development of new neighborhoods, record setting home construction and real estate sales, and the opening of the new Vista Visitors Center: a tremendous new first impression to our community! The foundation is set for these trends to continue in 2019 with the addition of the Springs Sports Park, the completion of the Golf Performance Center, the opening of The Lodges, a revamped Fitness Center, and ongoing real estate development in Clubs Village, The Springs and The Ridge. Keep in touch for news related to these and other exciting announcements in the coming year. 

Thank you for contributing to the success! Have a happy, healthy and prosperous 2019.

Barry Denton
Director of Real Estate Sales
Cordillera Ranch