The Pico-Boo is Coming!

Kevin Koether, POA General Manager

The annual Pico-Boo Halloween Party and Trick-Or-Treat hayride is less than two months away and we are gearing up for another amazing event.

This year our Pico-Boo Halloween Party will be held on October 29, from 5:00 to 9:00pm at the Swede Creek Park. Last year the addition of the Schoolyard Dogs Food Truck was a huge hit and they will be joining us again. Schoolyard Dogs is a food truck whose intent is to create a place for special needs people to gain work experience and further their individual growth. They sold out at our last party so they will be back with even more inventory and offerings this year.

The Cordillera Ranch Property Owners Association has also invited back Melissa, our fantastic face painter, which we know the kids enjoyed last year. Pico Propane will be joining the party as always with their fantastic partnership, helping to supply property owners on Riverwood and Riverwalk with candy to hand out. The Bergheim Fire Department will be bringing out one of the fire trucks as they have done the past few years and will be handing out candy as well.

As always there will be spooky tunes playing plus a new inflatable haunted house maze for the younger attendees. We are working on a few additional surprises as well.

Additional volunteers will be needed to participate as drivers for the hayride around Riverwood and Riverwalk — the hay bales will be supplied by the POA. If you have a truck and trailer and are willing to volunteer your time, please contact the POA at 

As the Pico-Boo has continued to grow over the years, the most important factor we have tried to control is safety for all participants. Over the past two years we have observed a significant amount of cross traffic which is to be expected, however, it also increases risk. This year we will be asking anyone who will be participating on the hayride route to line up at the park in a specific order. Staging will begin with anyone operating golf carts or UTV in the first section, those operating motor vehicles second and those pulling trailers will line up third. We will be placing directional signage along the hayride route to move the flow of traffic in one direction. We also ask that anyone who will be participating in the hayride route be at the park no later than 4:30pm to ensure an efficient departure from the park.

This event couldn’t happen without our awesome volunteers that give their time to the community to bring this event together. If you have any questions or would like to help with planning or setup, please contact the POA office. We look forward to having a spooktacular time with all of you!

Kevin Koether is the POA General Manager at Cordillera Ranch. He can be reached at and 830.336.3501.

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