
Jeff Eldridge


Director of Agronomy

Emporia, Kansas

How did you become employed at The Clubs of Cordillera Ranch?
I was employed at the Nicklaus Golf Club at LionsGate from 2000 to 2009 and during this time I had the pleasure of getting to know Monty Becton. At that time, he was a Regional Vice President and LionsGate was one of the clubs he oversaw. We had stayed in contact off and on over the years and, most recently, that contact was to inform me of a wonderful opportunity at Cordillera Ranch for the Director of Agronomy position.

What past work history prepared you for The Clubs?
I have been in the business since 1989, serving as superintendent for several different clubs for the majority of that time. I have also served as a Regional Agronomist and consulted for a few clubs as well.

What makes your colleagues an asset to The Clubs? Explain how you work together as a team.
Our employee partners are integral to the success of the golf course maintenance operation and without them we wouldn’t survive, period. This is a very labor-intensive course that requires qualified people to provide the conditions our members expect. I think that developing the right culture provides the foundation for teamwork and that, along with proper communication, are the key. On a daily basis, goals are well-defined and followed up with proper feedback ensuring expectations are being met.

What has been your most rewarding professional experience?
I would have to say the construction and grow-in of the Nicklaus Golf Club. Working daily with the folks from Nicklaus Design really opened my eyes as to what great golf course design is all about, and the amount of work that Mr. Nicklaus and his staff put in that property is really hard to put into words. It was amazing to watch how much attention to detail was put into every square inch of that property. I gained a new appreciation for the importance of designers’ intent while working on that property.

What has been your greatest professional challenge?
While at the Nicklaus Golf Club, preparing for and repairing after PGA Tour events.

What do you like most about working at Cordillera Ranch?
So far it has been all the wonderful people I have met. Ownership, membership and staff have all been very welcoming and I look forward to working with all parties to make Cordillera the best it can be.

What are your hobbies and interests?
Pre-kids: Golf, hunting and fishing. Post kids: Coaching them in youth sports and then watching them play at higher levels.

Favorite quote or motto?
Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Or most meaningful personal experience?
The birth of my three children.

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