Partners in Fitness

By Ann-Kristin Allen  ::  Photography by Kelsey Grudle

Have fun with your workouts. Find something you enjoy, and do it a lot!

At The Clubs of Cordillera Ranch we have several couples working out together on a daily basis. I thought it would be a great idea to share some of the fun things you can do with a workout partner. Working out with your partner is not only romantic; it also makes you more accountable, creates a healthy competition and encourages creativity. No one wants to quit first, right? By learning an exercise program together, you not only support each other but you can make sure your partner is using proper form and function to prevent possible injuries.

A partner-oriented program can be created around various activities and fitness goals. You can perform exercises at your home, fitness center, while you are traveling or outside with or without equipment. Exercise makes us feel better, it conditions our heart and lungs, and increases muscle mass and flexibility. Most importantly, it will improve ouroverall health and prevent disease. The reason we feel good when we exercise is because our blood is pumping,
conditioning our brain to make our body and mind function at its best. Remember, always apply sunscreen when
exercising outdoors and drink water to stay hydrated.

Ann-Kristin Allen is a TPI Certified Fitness Professional Level 3 and a Certified Yoga for Golfers Level 2. She can be reached at or 210.367.5942.

The exercises pictured are full body workouts and include stability, mobility, flexibility, strength and endurance.


Seated Ball Twist – Gently rotate with abs, chest and lats to each side while passing the ball (or another object weighing 4-8 pounds). Keep your abs engaged, shoulders relaxed and chest lifted with feet pressed firmly into the ground. Slow and steady 8-12 reps, 3-5 sets.


Wheelbarrow – Start out with 30 seconds and slowly increase the time, doing 3-5 sets. This is also an excellent idea for a fun race with family or friends.


Human Elliptical – This is for the super strong and trusting! Don’t try this at home unless supervised!


High Five Plank – Position your body in a straight-arm plank. With abs pulled in, chest lifted and shoulders and hips in line, high five each other with alternating arms. Do 10-15 reps, 3-5 sets.


Split Squat with Stability Ball Twist – In a split squat (lunge) position, facing each other, grab a stability ball and twist the ball in opposite directions. Hold the ball steady while doing 10-15 reps of lunging in place, 3-5 sets per leg.

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