Outdoors – Shooting Sports at Cordillera Ranch

People often ask me what I enjoy most about working at Cordillera Ranch in the outdoor recreation areas. My first response is always the wonderful members we have on the ranch, and one thing I most enjoy about our members is their conservative outlook and their appreciation of the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution. The spectacular Texas Hill Country and premier location of Cordillera Ranch makes our Gun Club and Sporting Clays Course one of the most beautiful in Texas. The sporting clay course offers a variety of shooting scenarios and target presentations, and offers instruction, practice, or competition. The course is designed for either walking or cart use. In addition to our 10-station sporting clays course, we offer a wobble trap station with five shooting positions, a handgun range and rifle range. We are also in the design stages of adding a 3-D archery range.

outdoors1Teaching people about gun safety and how to shoot are both important aspects of what we offer at our gun club. We offer members and their guests opportunities to learn to shoot shotguns, personal safety classes using handguns, help people scope in rifles and offer the Texas Concealed Handgun License course. Just as important to us as safety is protecting the environment, therefore prior to designing and opening our gun club in 2007 we developed a comprehensive Environmental Stewardship and Management Plan.

We have a traditional 10-station Sporting Clays course where targets are launched in a variety of ways approximating a different hunting scenario at each station. Shooters rotate through ten different stations, and clays of varying size are used, approximating the different sizes of birds and targets found in hunting. The course is a great training tool for shooters who enjoy wing shooting. Sporting Clays are offered year-round. A trapper accompanies every squad of shooters that enters the course to ensure safety and appropriate operation of the traps for consistency of targets. The course features novice-friendly targets since the fun is in breaking targets, not missing them. For competition shoots, the traps are adjusted to separate the great from the good shooters.

outdoors2In addition to sporting clays, we offer a beautiful wobble trap station that offers some fun targets that spring out of the oscillating trap in a direction unknown to the shooter. Cordillera Ranch maintains a network of local shooting instructors for beginner to advanced shooters. If you need some instruction before beginning your next hunting trip, are interested in learning some advanced self-defense handgun techniques, or if maybe you’d like to learn to shoot your rifle off shooting sticks, our friendly staff and instructors are there to help. Shooting sports are fun and economical when it comes to entertaining a large group of shooters. We offer packages for our members and their guests that can be developed for shooting events that include instruction, a competition course, prizes, meals, and beverages.

For any questions about the Gun Club at Cordillera Ranch, don’t hesitate to contact me.

Shane Reynolds
Outdoor Recreation Director
The Clubs of Cordillera Ranch

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