Gate System Updated

The Cordillera Ranch POA has been making some real headway on the RFID tag installation process. Since it’s the start of a new year, I thought it would be a good time to share some news about our progress. I’d also like to relay some information on how things have been working and answer a few questions that I have heard from the community.

By Mark Risner

Our main objective through this process was to roll the new RFID tags out to the owners with confidence that we had most of the bugs worked out. A property this size has its challenges — with six entry gates we wanted to make sure we had processes in place for gate damage, software and hardware issues. As we tested the new entry access tags on our POA staff and Club employees, we worked through most of these issues and came out, thankfully, much wiser.

The good news is that we began rolling out the tags to the owners and Club members a few months ago. We are now systematically working our way through the RFID tag installation alphabetically. As you can imagine, with three thousand vehicles to individually tag, it is taking some time. Notices have gone out via email with an appointment booking link and location information. At this time, we are roughly halfway through the RFID installation rollout and seeing a good response from our email campaigns. Many of the previously tagged owners reading this article can attest that the tags are a welcome convenience when entering the property.  

The question we get asked most often is about tailgating. This is one of the reasons we started the RFID program. Keeping our property access limited to those who have reason to be here was one of the main challenges before the drop arms were installed. Since the drop arms and very specific signage were installed, we have had a number of drivers who caused damage to the gates. Damage is occurring less and less lately as visitors have adjusted to coming in one at a time. The damages get documented and the vehicles which are caught on camera get fined and notified. We have also worked on reducing the arm cycle time to close faster after authorized vehicles have cleared the gate. Some residents have gotten in the habit of stopping just past the drop arm so the arm closes behind them without allowing an authorized guest to tailgate in behind before the arm has closed. This is much appreciated and helps reduce tailgating as well!

Another question we get asked quite often is about codes and remotes. The entry codes were another reason we decided to switch over to automated entry. Since there are so many codes being used for unauthorized access, we plan on eliminating all codes for entry gates at the end of January 2019 (codes will still function on outbound lane keypad to assure access for bicycles). We will be sending out additional communications leading up to the termination of the codes — it’s important that all property owners are prepared for this change so that they can assure their guests understand new access protocols (login to to see instructions for guest access). The remotes are less of an issue and will be terminated at perimeter gates after we have completed the RFID tag roll out. Once we have shut down the codes and remotes, guests can always get access directly by calling the owner on the key pad from any entry gate (either by scrolling through the keypad directory or using the owners’ direct dial code). Pressing “9” on your phone opens the gate for them. We are encouraging all owners to contact us if you need your cell number programmed in the gate directory.

We appreciate all the residents and owners who have been using the Webguest App. This application allows you to list your approved guests and set limits and times for your regular vendors who service your home. The guards are able to check approved guests in quickly and owners get notified via text when they arrive. If you haven’t downloaded the Webguest App, simply download the app to your smartphone from the app store. You can also access Webguest from your computer at$/.

Mark Risner, CMCA, is the General Manager of the Cordillera Ranch Property Owners Association, Inc. He can be reached at or 830.336.3501.

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