Boerne ISD Bond Propositions Pass

Bryan Benway, Boerne Independent School District

Propositions A and B in the Boerne Independent School District Bond Election passed Saturday, May 7.  Voters approved Proposition A 52%-48% (3,118-2,869), while Proposition B passed 54%-46% (3,239-2,742). 

“We are very grateful to the voters for supporting this bond,” said Boerne ISD Superintendent Dr. Thomas Price. “The bond package was truly a grassroots effort, led by the Long Range Steering Committee. We are greatly appreciative to the 80 community volunteers who served on the committee, and worked hard to help pass this bond,” Dr. Price stated.


Proposition 1 has a total cost of $162.64 million dollars and includes building the district’s eighth elementary school and expansions at most secondary campuses to accommodate growth. Additionally, an aquatics learning center, general maintenance upgrades for aging facilities, land purchases for future projects, updating and refreshing network infrastructure, and more are part of this proposition. 


Proposition 2 has a total cost of $3 million dollars. This proposition will solely focus on the purchase of student and staff devices district-wide, as well as a general refresh and update of devices at all campuses. 


The $165.64 million total of both bond propositions will not raise Boerne ISD’s tax rate, and taxes for residents 65 and over are frozen.

“The passage of this bond once again shows that we have earned the trust of our community. We cannot thank the community enough for their tremendous support,” said Price. “Now we can move forward and begin the next phase of the project, which will greatly benefit our students, parents, and staff.”

Gonzalez-Cooper, Wilson
Earn Seats on Board of Trustees

Boerne ISD Trustees Maritza Gonzalez-Cooper and Garrett Wilson kept their seats on the BISD Board Saturday night. Gonzalez-Cooper won re-election to serve her fourth term on the board, while Wilson was unopposed and was automatically elected. 

Gonzalez-Cooper has served on the Board since 2013 while Wilson was appointed in 2021 to fill an unexpired term. 

Gonzalez-Cooper and Wilson will be sworn in at the Boerne ISD Board of Trustees regular monthly meeting on May 16th. 

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