Vestibulum vel facilisis nulla. Pellentesque eget neque non augue condimentum posuere a ac augue. Praesent eu dolor orci. Nulla consequat placerat tortor sed semper. Praesent dapibus odio non velit aliquet vitae tincidunt orci commodo. Nunc egestas tellus ut neque accumsan in bibendum elit volutpat. Pellentesque volutpat, orci et vestibulum commodo, erat mauris gravida augue, eu tristique odio nisi nec dui.
Developer's Corner
Preferred Builders: Home Tour Highlights
We hosted yet another wonderful Preferred Builders Home Tour in late October, closing out our 2024 bi-annual event held every spring and fall. With more than 350 total attendees, this was one of, if not, our most well-attended tours ever.