Attainable Challenges in Our Lives

Tamra Christiansen, Director of Fitness and Wellness

Above: SUP’s (Stand-Up Paddleboards) are used for yoga classes, boot camps on the water and a Paddle Board Boot Camp and Pilates Reformer Duo Specialty Class. When you do the Challenges, you become motivated to try new things and new classes.

We have so many goals within all aspects of our lives. The question is how to reach those goals. Author, philanthropist and life and business strategist Tony Robbins leaned into the fact that we think the way to achieve our goals and make changes in our lives is by changing the strategy. He also said that approach is completely backwards, and I agree. Changing the way we have done things for years is a difficult challenge to tackle. So, maybe we start smaller. We start with things that are attainable and things we can celebrate. The little victories lead to bigger celebrations!

At The Clubs of Cordillera Ranch, we have two annual fitness challenges to help you achieve your personal goals. Jump Into January just finished and prizes have been awarded! Next is Spring Into Summer, another 8-Week Challenge to keep up the momentum. In Boerne, Texas, we get more shorts-and-short-sleeve weather than most, so keeping our bodies in shape is a priority.  

The 8-Week Challenges are designed to encourage success in your fitness and nutrition journey. Although it is a group challenge, the focus is individual. We start by having each participant step on the InBody analysis machine. This measures body weight, divided into body fat percentage, BMI and lean muscle in each of your limbs and trunk. These measurements help us determine where we need more strength by building lean muscle. Building lean muscle increases our metabolism, which helps us to lose body fat. We also take girth measurements. Why? Because we are more than just our weight. True measures of fitness gains are seen in more than pounds. You will learn to try new classes or activities that burn extra calories and build your confidence. In addition, we offer two Bonus Challenge Classes, which give us an extra 400-700 calories to attack during this fitness adventure. We also talk about nutrition with Precision Nutrition. Diet is 86 percent of body measurement success. One of my favorite quotes is, “You cannot out-exercise a bad diet.” A fun and true quote, yes, but Precision Nutrition focusses on whole health and wellness; there is no good or bad food, we simply have choices for attainable changes. 

During this eight-week journey, I will send you weekly videos with three things to focus on:

• A workout tip of the week

• A nutritional tip of the week

• A motivational tip of the week

Trying new things that might otherwise seem intimidating (at first) is a great tool to increase your self-esteem. There are so many things we could limit ourselves on, but so many more things in life that we might venture to say, “Why not?”  

This brings me to my heart-felt point — my “WHY” of why I do this. I like to see clients succeed in their personal journey. Fitness and nutrition are just a part of this journey. Feeling great about what you do in your life and FOR YOUR LIFE is my focus. This is the “good stuff.” I want you to learn that you can love who you are from where you are by: Learning to breathe deeply. Taking the time to eat slowly and mindfully. Enjoying life in the moment and not worrying about the next moment. Knowing what you have control over within yourself versus trying to control the uncontrollable in this mysterious thing we call life. Finding out that you CAN try something you have never tried. You CAN make time for yourself, even with a busy schedule. You CAN plan for nutrition in a way that is still enjoyable and not restrictive. You CAN improve yourself one small change at a time.

Where is the next challenge going to lead you in your quest to be the best version of yourself?

Tamra Christiansen is the Fitness and Wellness Director at The Clubs of Cordillera Ranch. She can be reached at and 830.336.9184.

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