2021 Year-End Review

Happy New Year! It is hard to believe 2022 is already here but before we move on to a new year in which we have so much to look forward to, I thought I would share a few highlights from last year! 2021 was undoubtedly the fastest growing year the Club has ever had with more new members and residents than any year since the Club’s inception. At the same time, member dining usage returned with a bang as well as a few special events. Considering the fact that we are still in a pandemic and in the middle of a labor shortage, we have much to be proud of here on the Ranch.

It is hard not to start with the Winter Storm that hit so many parts of Texas hard, including the Club and Cordillera Ranch community in mid-February! The Club sustained damage to various buildings, most notably the Cabana building, which was destroyed from water damage. We were very fortunate to get the MDR, Golf Shop and Locker Room open within 7-10 days, thanks to our leadership team and a restoration team that acted quickly and efficiently. The Golf Shop renovation was completed in November. It looks fantastic and definitely opened it up to allow for more selling space on the floor along with better operational office space. We still have work to do as new carpet and flooring will be installed soon in the Main Clubhouse. We are expecting to begin construction on the new Cabana building sometime in the next couple of months, which includes expansion of the main kitchen. I am excited for our members to see the plans and how they will be utilizing this new amenity!

In March, we welcomed our new Director of Agronomy Stuart Rowland to the team. He has done an excellent job and continues to improve golf course conditioning. Golf rounds were basically flat this past year but the golf course remains busy and we continue to see activity from the explosion of new golfers to the game during the pandemic. Director of Golf Corey Roberson and the Golf Professional Staff hosted member trips to Pinehurst and Lajitas this year where members had a great time!

Pickleball is expanding as we are ready to open six new courts! This game continues to see a huge gain in popularity and I know our members are excited to begin utilizing the new facility. Joe and Brad are busier than ever with lessons, camps and tournaments but I hope you get a chance to stop by soon and see the new facility.  

Susie Phillips had a big year in the Equestrian operation as we welcomed new horses to Pasture Boarding and the team gave more lessons and riding instruction to so many new members. It has been fun to watch many of the juniors they teach compete in shows at a high level.  

Tamra Christiansen started with us in the Fall of 2020 and continues to hit her stride. A part-time additional Trainer just started in the Fitness Center as well, and the entire Fitness team continues to look for more ways and new group classes to help you reach your fitness goals.  

Finally, Shane Reynolds hosted a Signature Vacation for members to Costa Rica in November. He is busier than ever hosting hunting trips and member trips on the river or at the Gun Club.   

As you can see, 2021 was a great year here at the Club despite some real challenges. We are looking forward to 2022 and I hope you will be able to participate in some new events that we will be introducing this year and take advantage of the awesome amenities the Club has to offer.

We wish all of you and your families a blessed New Year, and bring on 2022!

Marc DeWall, PGA, is the General Manager at The Clubs of Cordillera Ranch. He can be reached at mdewall@cordilleraranch.com or 830.336.9151.

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