Employee Profile: Lenny Tomasini

Kevin Koether, CRPOA General Manager

I met Lenny a little over four years ago when I started here at Cordillera Ranch. I remember meeting with Charlie Hill regarding the Maintenance Department and Lenny’s tenure with Cordillera. After hearing all that Lenny had been involved in at Cordillera, I was interested in meeting someone that was held in such high regard. I invited Lenny to Inferno’s Pizza for lunch and picked his brain for a few hours, trying to keep up with the amount of knowledge he had about Cordillera. I went home that evening and told my wife that I was fortunate to have a Superintendent on the team with the skill and knowledge Lenny possessed. Four years later, I can honestly say that I don’t know what Cordillera Ranch and I would do without Lenny. He has spent 22 years with Cordillera Ranch, and I asked Lenny to sit down and share who he is with each of you.

Lenny is a San Antonio native, growing up in a low-income farm family. His father was the Maintenance Superintendent at Blossom Athletic Center with his mother taking the mantle of homemaker. Lenny said that during his childhood, “I have always challenged myself to be the best at anything I have done, and if I couldn’t be the best, I moved on.” Growing up, Lenny enjoyed spending time outside working with his hands and learning to build things. He has three children, three grandchildren and one on the way shortly. Lenny said he is the guinea pig for his three granddaughters learning to apply makeup and he believes it takes a real grandfather to be the guinea pig. 

Lenny graduated high school from Winston Churchill then moved on to Grayson County College where he obtained his associate’s degree in Golf Course and Turf Grass Management. He then completed his bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Business at Southwest Texas State University, graduating with honors. Lenny is currently the Property Owners Association Superintendent of Maintenance and has served in that role for two decades. His scope of responsibilities includes but is certainly not limited to the overall management of the Maintenance Department, employee training and education as well as quality control of all POA common areas. 

Lenny described his biggest challenge at Cordillera Ranch as “finding like-minded individuals who are willing to learn and want to be part of a team.” The maintenance industry is rigorous and labor intensive, which many struggle to adapt to. He is always in search of team members that are willing to take ownership of their work and not just looking to collect a paycheck. When I asked what his most rewarding experience at Cordillera has been, Lenny told me, “Listening to Jack Nicklaus describe his vision of the Cordillera golf course during the early stages of design and construction. I enjoyed listening and learning from a legend like Jack.” He also said he is rewarded when he drives through Cordillera Ranch and is able to reflect on the work he and his team have performed over the years. Lenny said he remembers when Cordillera only had three miles of paved road, and all that was paved was Cordillera Trace down to Park Ridge. Lenny also remembers when his father and brother both worked at Cordillera clearing land for new roads and his brother installing the first seven miles of the walking trail.

I asked Lenny what led him to his field, and he said, “My heart was always in the golf business and what I do now found me. Growing up a farm boy, I have always appreciated nature and watching things grow. Before I was old enough to start a lawn mower, I decided I was going to and spent an entire weekend mowing our lawn. My mother said I was meticulous and refused to leave any clumps of grass.” That strive for perfection is something I witness often when observing Lenny interacting with the Maintenance Team. Lenny sees the future of the Maintenance Department as one that continues to grow with Cordillera Ranch, and continuing to improve quality and efficiency. He wants to maintain the upward trajectory in the product the team produces as well as the ownership of maintenance responsibilities. 

Finally, I asked Lenny what energizes him to come in to work every day, and his response is nothing less than what I expected. “I love a challenge, always have. I feel like there is nothing I can’t do and have been that way since childhood. I strive to do the best job possible and settle for nothing but the best quality work.” 

Lenny Tomasini is an integral part of Cordillera Ranch and has proved so over his two-decade tenure. I want to personally thank Lenny for his dedication, hard work and example of someone who will drop anything to help someone in need. You truly set the tone for your team and are a great leader.

Thank you, Lenny.


Kevin Koether is the Cordillera Ranch Property Owners Association General Manager. He can be reached at 830.336.3501 and kkoether@cordilleraranch.com.

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