
Jane Riley, Ed.D, C.P.T.

Director of Fitness and Wellness at Cordillera Ranch


London, Canada

How did you choose your occupation?

I have been into fitness and wellness since my late teens, and was rather a pioneer in weight-training for women. I began competing in powerlifting and bodybuilding at a national level. People started asking for my advice on how to be strong and fit so I got certified by the National Academy of Sports Medicine in Chicago. I believe academics are just as important as experience. I have my Undergraduate degree in Physical Education and Psychology from The University of Western Ontario in London, a Master’s in Gerontology from The University of Massachusetts in Boston and my Doctorate in Educational Psychology from California Coast University. I am also certified in just about every fitness modality that you can think of. My education and experience help me serve the members of Cordillera every day.  

How did you become employed at The Clubs of Cordillera Ranch?

I was working at a facility that did not have the degree of vision, the collaborative teamwork or level of sophistication as Cordillera Ranch. Naturally, when I was offered the position, I jumped at the chance to be a part of this wonderful facility and community.  

What past work history prepared you for The Clubs?

I have been the GM in fitness facilities, and supervisor of University Research facilities and of private research facilities in pathology. I have written numerous magazine and newspaper articles on fitness and wellness. I had my own talk radio show on fitness and wellness in London for over three years, as well as a T.V. show on Kauai. I have also owned and operated three international health and wellness companies, and was owner and chief trainer for the Independently Healthy Academy which trained fitness trainers in all aspects to the national level certification.  

What makes your colleagues an asset to The Clubs?

My team members all have one goal in mind and that is providing exceptional service. We are focused on helping our members look and feel well, and giving them the best possible experience while doing so. The team members all carry the highest level of certifications and are constantly upgrading their skills so that they remain on the cutting edge of research. 

What has been your most rewarding professional experience? 

There have been many times in my life where I have helped people recover from devastating accidents or disease processes, and those are very rewarding. However, I celebrate everyone’s victories be it weight loss, muscle gain, making the team, recovering from an injury or disease, improving their golf or tennis game or just feeling more control of activities of daily living. 

What do you like most about working at Cordillera Ranch?

At last I have found a home! This is a community of people who are involved in their own well-being and are engaged in activities that are social, fun and empowering. I love being surrounded by positive, go-ahead people who are looking for ways that they can improve their own health and well-being. 

What are your hobbies and interests?

I work out. I love cooking, travel… especially Europe, reading, studying, theater, and I like dressing up. I guess I’m kind of “girly.”  

Favorite quote or motto?

If you can’t think of something nice to say, try harder.

Most meaningful personal experience? 

My most meaningful personal experiences are when I married my fabulous husband Dan and became a mother to my beautiful daughter Rose. 

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