
Australia’s history is intertwined with England. In 1770, Captain James Cook chartered the east coast of Australia and claimed it for England. Nearly 131 years later, six states in Australia became a single nation in 1901. Since that time Australia and England have had one of the closest international relationships, with shared culture, security interests, institutions and language.

Perhaps those cultural similarities and history are just a few of the many common bonds that brought our cover feature, the Tosdevin’s, together. The story of how Bernie (from Australia) and Andrew (from England) found each other is an interesting read that I know you’ll enjoy. Since moving to Cordillera Ranch a few years ago, Bernie and Andrew have become great additions to our melting pot of a community- and good friends as well. Their journey did not stop at simply moving to the U.S., and particularly Boerne, so read the story to find how they have taken additional steps to solidify their residency in this country. Although they have great pride in both England and Australia, it’s also impressive and admirable to understand the commitment and pride they have taken for their adopted home of the United States.

While we get bombarded with regular stories about “what’s wrong with America,” it’s refreshing to read about two people that have such genuine pride in this country. We should probably all stop and remember the good fortune we have in being born in a country that so many from around the world work so hard to call home.

Enjoy the read,
Charlie Hill
Vice President, Cordillera Ranch

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