In these times of divisiveness, reading this issue’s feature story will surely make you feel better about the world we live in — especially our little corner of it. 

For me, one word came to mind… philanthropy. Of all the definitions, meanings and translations, the most poignant I found is perhaps the simplest — The love of humanity. This issue’s focus on the Simmons family could easily be a case study. They don’t just “talk the talk,” they definitely “walk the walk” in their personal and professional lives. From the examples set for their own children to the impact they’ve made on the many organizations, charities, government agencies and corporations they’ve touched, the Simmons family exemplifies a resounding theme that we see within our Cordillera Ranch resident family… helping and serving others.    

Surprising a fellow resident who is under the weather with a homemade meal. Providing assistance with transportation to medical appointments. Donating time via service, mentoring or personal assistance to the many worthy, local causes and charities. And, of course, financial contributions. All are philanthropic means by which our Cordillera Ranch residents, property owners and members step up to make our world a better place.   

Be proud of our community. It’s special to have so many like-minded individuals and families such as the Simmons’ in our presence. More unites us than divides us. As our immediate and surrounding area continues to grow, keep paying it forward so that others learn the Cordillera way.

Barry Denton
Director of Real Estate Sales
Cordillera Ranch