Fitness – What is TPI?

fitness3    The Titleist Performance Institute (TPI) is the world’s leading educational organization and research facility dedicated to the study of how the human body functions in relation to the golf swing.
The Titleist Performance Institute is part of the Acushnet Company’s Oceanside Test Facility. The original facility was built in 1997 for the purpose of robotic, consumer and tour testing of Titleist golf clubs and golf balls. In 2003, TPI research facility was renovated and improved using state of the art technology from 3 dimensional motion-capture studios to the latest fitness machines.
Since 2003, TPI has studied thousands of golfers ranging from tour players to average golfers. TPI gathered important data of all golfers with various shapes, sizes, ages, and fitness levels. From these data, TPI has created a systematic golf-screening program to determine one’s physical limitations that may lead to swing faults and mid-swing compensations. These physical limitations may also cause an injury if it is not addressed. TPI prescribed exercises are design to address each physical limitation and swing flaws to improve their golf game.
You can watch the Titleist Performance Institute Show Mondays at 4:30pm on The Golf Channel. This show will take you through numerous exercises and drills.
The best way to get started with this unique training is through two of the TPI programs at Cordillera Ranch offered by certified TPI instructor Ann-Kirstine Allen.

TPI Golf Screening:
This program is an opportunity to determine your strengths and weaknesses. Utilizing the TPI physical screening process, physical limitations and swing flaws are determined. A prescribed customized program will be assigned to you. The steps of TPI Golf Screening are below:
Physical Screening:
The physical screening process will include tests that will determine mobility, stability, motor control, strength, power, and cardiovascular endurance.
Video Analysis: You are able to see your swing faults (for example over the top or a sway). These flaws are generally connected to a weakness in the physical screen.
Familiarization of the Prescribed Exercise: To ensure you will perform each exercise correctly. The client will typically perform the program for 4 to 6 weeks.
A Final Video Analysis Session and Re-Screen: This final session will determine the client improvements.

TPI Golf Circuit Training
TPI Golf Circuit Training is where you can compete, have fun and exercise with your golf mates and friends. The class is focused on specific exercises to improve flexibility, mobility, stability, strength, coordination, endurance, explosiveness, power and mental strength all needed during a round of golf. There is a direct correlation to your golfing ability and how proficient you are doing these exercises. The golf circuit class is a great way to improve your golf swing and overall conditioning.

If you have any questions about the various TPI Programs at Cordillera Ranch, class time or prices please contact Ann-Kristin Allen at 210-367-5942 or Gevin Allen at 210-632-2787.

Ann-Kristin Allen is a TPI Certified Physical Fitness Specialist with over 30 years’ experience in the health, fitness and wellness industry. She carries numerous certification from the Cooper Institute and holds a degree as a Bioengineer.

Gevin Allen is a PGA Golf Professional with a certification in TPI Golf Swing Mechanics. Gevin has been teaching for over 20 years and was nominated for STPGA Harvey Penick Teacher of the Year award for the Western Chapter in 2010-2012.

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